Artigo em Revista Científica
José Atiles-Osoria, (2018), "Colonial State Crimes and the CARICOM Mobilization for Reparation and Justice", State Crime Journal, 7, 2, 349
Outras Publicações
Allegretti, Giovanni; Steingut (interviewer), Ilene (2018), "Come si spendono i fondi pubblici nel nostro territorio?", Radio X [IT] , 12-03-2018
Allegretti, Giovanni; Secchi, Michelangelo (2018), Final Report of "EMPATIA" Project (April 2018), Coimbra: CES
Outras Publicações
Allegretti, Giovanni; tefančičem jr (interviewer -journalist), Marcelom (2018), "Participatorni Proracun", RTV4 [SLO] - programme "Objecktif"
Capítulo em Livro
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), Recentering the right to the city in Lisbon Metropolitan area : which post-authoritarian trends in the housing and planning domain?, in Nacima Baron; Juan Romero (org.), Cultura territorial e innovacion social. Hacia un nuevo modelço metropolitano en Europa del Sur?. Valencia: PUV Universidad de Valencia, 115-130
Working Paper
Araújo, Sara; Brito, Laura (2018), "Tensions between institutionalised political justice and experienced mis)recognition: Portuguese case study on the experiences of Roma communities", Working Paper written within the framework of Work Package 5 (justice as lived experience) for deliverable 5.2 (comparative report on the tensions between institutionalized political justice and experienced (mis)recognition, ETHOS project