Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance


Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance

Tomas Puyeo


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Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now


Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

Tomas Puyeo


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Dossier COVID-19

CES (com)vida 2020

Dossier COVID-19


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Within and beyond the pandemic. Demanding a Care Income and a feminist Green New Deal for Europe.

CES (com)vida 2020

Within and beyond the pandemic. Demanding a Care Income and a feminist Green New Deal for Europe.

Stefania Barca

Undisciplined Environments

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#PARENT_MenCare: retratar experiências de pais e/ou cuidadores masculinos em tempos de isolamento social

CES (com)vida 2020

#PARENT_MenCare: retratar experiências de pais e/ou cuidadores masculinos em tempos de isolamento social

PARENT, DeCode/M, Promundo-Portugal

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Whether in the UK or the developing world, we're not all in coronavirus together

CES (com)vida 2020

Whether in the UK or the developing world, we're not all in coronavirus together

Kenan Malik

The Guardian

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Preparing for COVID-19 in Africa


Preparing for COVID-19 in Africa

Paul Richards

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Social Science in Humanitarian Action, Key Considerations: Quarantine in the Context of COVID-19


Social Science in Humanitarian Action, Key Considerations: Quarantine in the Context of COVID-19

The Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform


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COVID-19: Estado de Emergência em Moçambique e Experiências pelo Mundo

CES (com)vida 2020

COVID-19: Estado de Emergência em Moçambique e Experiências pelo Mundo

Boaventura Monjane

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A Covid-19 e as crianças. Uma análise sociojurídica.

CES (com)vida 2020

A Covid-19 e as crianças. Uma análise sociojurídica.

Patrícia Branco

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Iminente escalada na intervenção dos EUA na Venezuela

CES (com)vida 2020

Iminente escalada na intervenção dos EUA na Venezuela

Boaventura de Sousa Santos

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Trump sends gun boats to Venezuela while the World partners to fight a deadly pandemic

CES (com)vida 2020

Trump sends gun boats to Venezuela while the World partners to fight a deadly pandemic

Ana Maldonado

Vijay Prashad

Zoe PC

Monthly Review

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«O modo de funcionamento da humanidade entrou em crise»

CES (com)vida 2020

«O modo de funcionamento da humanidade entrou em crise»

Ailton Krenak

Estado de Minas

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African Feminist and Anti-Capitalist Responses to COVID-19: Labor, Health and Ecological Questions

Conversas com o mundo

African Feminist and Anti-Capitalist Responses to COVID-19: Labor, Health and Ecological Questions

African EcoFeminisms

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Infectious injustice: the political foundations of the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone


Infectious injustice: the political foundations of the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone

Alexander Beresford

Emma-Louise Anderson

Third World Quarterly

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Sociologia, Risco e a COVID-19: Uma perspetiva crítica

Conversas com o mundo

Sociologia, Risco e a COVID-19: Uma perspetiva crítica

José Manuel Mendes

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O intolerável regresso da eugenia

CES (com)vida 2020

O intolerável regresso da eugenia

Rui Bebiano

As Beiras

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Podemos criar e produzir

CES (com)vida 2020

Podemos criar e produzir

Manuel Carvalho da Silva

Jornal de Notícias

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Covid-19: quase dois terços dos alunos já manifestaram vontade de regressar à escola

CES (com)vida 2020

Covid-19: quase dois terços dos alunos já manifestaram vontade de regressar à escola

OP.Edu @Público

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Mais um regresso de Keynes?

CES (com)vida 2020

Mais um regresso de Keynes?

João Rodrigues

Jornal de Negócios

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